Our Experiences
All sessions can be soft-spoken or not spoken at all. To help your ASMRtist understand your comfort level, you will fill out a Body Consent form prior to service. Have any questions or need clarification? Email us and ask!
Cranial Nerve Exam
Session length: 30 minutes
Cost: $55
Short Description:
This experience simulates a realistic cranial nerve exam. You will receive calming head scratches as the nurse asks you questions about your "symptoms." You'll then be asked to follow directions during the exam, for example: smelling fragrances, feeling soft and dull sensations, hearing certain sounds, and doing a strength test.
Add the aroma of essential oils to your session for just $5 more.
Bestie Does Your Makeup
Session length: 45 minutes
Cost: $65
Short Description:
This experience simulates your best friend doing your makeup. You will receive words of affirmation, as she cleans and preps your skin. She will then gently swipe different makeup brushes along your face as she simulates putting on foundation, highlighter, blush, and eyeshadow. You'll hear the sticky smacking of concealer and different lip glosses. After applying mascara and drawing your brows, she will then run her fingers through your hair, scratching your scalp and playing with your beautiful locks.
Add the aroma of essential oils to your session for just $5 more.
Sleepover with your Bestie
(who is TOTALY OBSESSED with you)
Session length: 45 minutes
Cost: $65
Short Description:
Come dressed in your jammies, it's time for a sleepover! Your bestie (whose totally obsessed with you in a not-so-subtle way) will give you personal attention with a simulated face mask, face wash, nail care, and a manicure. She'll also have a variety of snacks for you, including sweet chocolate, crunchy pretzels, and airy popcorn. Feel free to enjoy and snack with her. After chatting about your love life, she'll pull out a crinkly paper cootie catcher for you two to play with. As you get sleepy, she'll tuck you in with some hair play, scalp scratching, and back scratching.
Add the aroma of essential oils to your session for just $5 more.
Shave and a Haircut
Session length: 60 minutes
Cost: $100
Short Description:
This experience will include a simulated shave and a haircut. Relax to the sound of spraying water and a comb running through your hair. Enjoy the sound of scissors as your hair is "cut." Then, feel the warm, comforting sensation of a warm towel on your skin. You'll hear the frothing of creamy shaving cream before your facial hair is played with (if applicable) before a simulated shave. Gooey moisturizer is "applied" before "receiving" a sudsy shampoo. Finally, your hair will be towel dried, "styled" and combed once more
(Anything in "quotations" is simulated).
Add the aroma of essential oils to your session for just $5 more.
Comforting Period Care
IN DEVELOPMENT: Coming Fall 2024
This experience will consist of the ASMRtist comforting you when you're on your period. Care will include hygiene, pain-relief, skin care, and snacking.
Astrologist Café